Monthly Archives: November 2020

Defender for Endpoint on iOS

The public preview of Defender for Endpoint on iOS can be installed by browsing to

Prerequisites: iOS 11.0 or higher, and the mobile device has Intune Company Portal App.

Lesson Learned: If you have the Azure AD Conditional Access policy enabled “Require Compliant App” then you need to exclude the Microsoft Defender app from the policy otherwise you will receive this message:


Smishing is, essentially, phishing via text messages. The word is a combination of “phishing” and “SMS,” the latter being the protocol used by most phone text messaging services.


Microsoft Defender for Endpoint creates a local VPN tunnel that redirects all outbound traffic that originates from the device to be scanned for threats, specifically websites that are malicious.


Here is an example of the block page:


Then Administrators can view these events in the Defender security portal (


You can also block specific websites or even categories of websites such as Shadow IT if you have Microsoft Cloud App Security. See Matt Soseman’s video on Youtube (here) for more information about that integration.