Monthly Archives: July 2021

Disable Exchange Online Remote PowerShell for users as a scheduled task

This PowerShell script can run unattended as a scheduled task and will enumerate the global administrators, then remove remote PowerShell access for any user who is not a global administrator.

#See Prerequisites section below to create these two certificate connection scripts below

Invoke-Expression -Command C:\scripts\connect-certificate.ps1

Invoke-Expression -Command C:\scripts\connect-azureadcertificate.ps1

$GlobalAdmins = Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $(Get-AzureADDirectoryRole -filter “displayname eq ‘Global Administrator'”).ObjectID

$AllUsers = get-user -resultsize unlimited

$UserswithPowerShell = $AllUsers | where {$_.RemotePowerShellEnabled -eq $true}

$UsersWhoAreNotGlobalAdmins = $UserswithPowerShell | where {$_.userprincipalname -notin $GlobalAdmins.userprincipalname}

$counter = ($UsersWhoAreNotGlobalAdmins).count
$current = 1

if ($UsersWhoAreNotGlobalAdmins) {
write-host “Users who currently have remote powershell access” ($UserswithPowerShell).count
foreach ($user in $UsersWhoAreNotGlobalAdmins) {
write-host “Removing PowerShell access from user ” $current ” of ” $counter “(” $user.userprincipalname “)”
set-user -identity $user.userprincipalname -RemotePowerShellEnabled $false

#Optional, the next statement can also apply a authentication policy to block basic auth

#Set-User -identity $user.userprincipalname -AuthenticationPolicy “Block Basic Auth”
$current = $current + 1

write-host “there are no non-global admin users with PowerShell access”

Download the script (here).

Prerequisites: Create two Azure AD Applications (1) Exchange and (2) Azure AD

TIP: When creating the Scheduled Task,  the account must have the Logon as a service right assigned. Then the ‘action’ to start a program points to c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
then the arguments are: -File “c:\scripts\scriptname.ps1”